

Early bird fees
until May 15, 2022

Regular fees
after May 15, 2022

Onsite fees

Full Participant MEMBER

700 Euro

800 Euro

900 Euro

Full Participant NON MEMBER

850 Euro

950 Euro

1050 Euro

Trainee (Student/Fellow), Nurse

300 Euro

350 Euro

400 Euro

Developing countries*

400 Euro

500 Euro

600 Euro

Accompanying person

300 Euro

350 Euro

400 Euro

Hands-on Workshops

500 Euro each

500 Euro each

500 Euro each

 Registration fees are indicated in EUR, per person and including 27% VAT.

*Developing country discount is available for delegates from low-income and lower-middle-income economies as listed by The World Bank. CHECK THE LIST OF COUNTRIES HERE

Participant registration fees include:

Access to all congress sessions and commercial exhibition
Final Program
Welcome Reception; Coffee and Tea during breaks

Accompanying person fee includes:

Welcome Reception
Sightseeing Tour with lunch

Workshop registration fee includes:

Transfer to/from the University Lab
Procedures of the chosen workshop

Coffee Breaks
Coffee, tea and snacks will be served in the Exhibition area in all coffee breaks regarding the program.

The congress registration fee does not include lunch for the participants. Industry lunch symposiums will be held on Thursday & Friday. We will serve light lunch on Saturday at the congress venue. Within walking distance from the congress venue, many restaurants are available offering wide range of dishes from fast food through traditional cuisine to fine dining.

Official Italian Agency for AIFA Procedure

Any Italian pharmaceutical company supporting or participating in a congress abroad, is subjected to an authorization by AIFA (Italian Drug Agency), according to an Italian Government Decree (Decreto Legislativo 219/06 – art. 124).

The request for authorization must be submitted within 60 days before the starting date of the event. The appointed agency to collect all applications from pharmaceutical companies and file them with the AIFA is:

AIM Group International – AIM Education S.r.l.
Cristina Ghidoli
Via G. Ripamonti, 129
20141 Milan, Italy
Tel. +39 02 56601.1
FAX +39 02-70048585

FIPP/CIPS EXAM – Sunday, August 28, 2022

Semmelweiss University, H-1091 Budapest, Ulloi út 93.
Bus transportation is provided.
Meeting point at Kempinski, H-1051 Budapest, Erzsebet tér 7-8.

Examinee Registration at Pesti Vigadó 4th floor & Orientation Meeting at Northern Meeting Room
Saturday, August 27, 2022, 18:00-19:00

Contact information

Monique Steegers, MD, PhD, FIPP
Registrar of FIPP & CIPS Examination Applications
World Institute of Pain
301 North Main Street, Suite 2604
Winston-Salem, NC 27101 USA

Mark Tolliver
Certification Program Manager
Phone: +1 336 760 2939, Fax: +1 336 760 5770